Modding support for Tuning Packs
Project: Company of Heroes 3
Engine: Essence, a proprietary engine at Relic
Feature: User Generated Content (UGC)
It was just over a month until Launch day, and I discovered our public editor was missing features.
There was little production team knowledge on the state of our tools when I started authoring example mods for our community.
So I began an audit of these tools while attempting to create mod content for Launch day.
I elevated concerns to our leadership team about missing features that had been promised in our marketing.
Later, the technical writer and I collaborated in writing the community resources for Tuning Packs.
Modding ReferenceDocumentation for Tuning PacksI published two official Relic mods to share with new modders. These mods could be downloaded and played on Launch day.
Double Resources
Each Fuel point grants twice as much Fuel per second. Each Munitions point grants twice as many Munitions per second.
Double Capture Rate for VP
When capturing victory points only: time from enemy-owned to neutral is halved, and time from neutral to captured is also halved.