Concept Art of the Cannery including a boat and stilted buildings over a frozen ocean. Wolves walk near a collection of wood detritus on the ice.
Open World Design Showcase

Bleak Inlet

Project:  The Long Dark / Survival Mode

Engine:    Unity 3D

Timeline:    In Fall 2019 for the Errant Pilgrim update

My Role on Bleak Inlet — Open World Designer

I contributed to foundational concept work and paper designs for the entire region.
My implementation responsibilities included bringing Last Resort Cannery from greyblock to release.
This level was completed within 3 months by delegating across a team of 4 other designers and environment artists.

1.  Top-down paper plan

Requesting then applying feedback from leads and Creative Director, in collaboration with artist

2.  Ownership of level design

Last Resort Cannery and other locations in region

3.  Establishing and tuning initial use cases for novel mechanics

Wildlife pathing, behaviors, and hazards like extreme wind zones and falling roof sections

4.  Set-dressing and item placements for core survival gameplay

Critical and follow-up coverage passes for all tools, gear, resources, and collectibles

5.  Post-release

Level analyses to describe categorical guidelines for buildings, shelters, and structures

Level Design progression for Last Resort Cannery

The entryway got extra attention later in development, replacing rocks with a custom asset:
a beautiful iron wrought gate that became the map icon for this location.

My initial mockups were completed in Google Sketchup, and led to more iteration with Lead Designer and Environment Artists. I then spent time iterating on the gameplay of walking between platforms, as the project had not proven it out in any gym or test settings.

The middle screen capture from Unity 3d includes the first version with a walkable path. It incorporates many new objects in early modeling stages. Note the image is missing major level features like terrain work to show where the land ends and the frozen ocean begins. Only external features for the new modular warehouse buildings exist.

By the time the ice and terrain overpaint textures are added in editor, our modular warehouses would now have basic walkable interiors that are closer to the intention for release.

I also begin to anticipate the gameplay needs for new structures with falling hazards, for sections of broken rooftops, etc. The two main examples can be seen on the bottom of schematics or the right hand side of the courtyard when facing towards the sea.

Visual elements, like the brown placeholder boat included in all the early iteration stages, would be removed from this traversal path for release.

Moving the boat, named Constitution, into the ocean brought this layout closer to the original vision from key concept art. The final level showcases that unique boat with a dramatic visual story—invoking the forlorn imagery of being stuck in a frozen ocean.

My Achievements

Honed my level design skillset by collaborating with the Lead Environment Artist

Developed world narrative through text found on collectibles through this region

Delivered traversal challenge that introduces players to novel gameplay elements


One of the main attractions in Bleak Inlet is a workshop at the end of the Industrial Pier. It is gated by a puzzle with multiple steps and a traversal challenge. Once inside you can craft ammo using new gunpowder and other resources, which are also found at higher concentrations in this dangerous region. These mechanics introduce many new ways for players to strategize for survival after 500 days, as well.
The workshop also reintroduces a wolf in the building interior. In previous iterations of Story Mode, a bug caused a wolf to spawn in a different location. This was removed with the Redux improvements, and cause an uproar on forums where players had even named this bugged creature. With Bleak Inlet, we gave the fans an intentional new way to relive that experience.