Our studio supported the first Capcom Vancouver Game Jam and myself and the nine other participants could not be more proud of our results. The theme, elastic, was randomly selected after employees voted on ideas we had during a brainstorm. Elastic was a challenging theme that resulted in every team using Unreal's built-in physics to create gameplay. I had always abandoned physics for stricter position control via script, but learned a valuable lesson that I will apply to cameras in my next "Real Time Cameras in Unreal Editor 4" post.
My first approach was to re-parent the colliding party-goers to a new object, which I dubbed the Huggs Boson. I found a simple actor as a parent would not join them*, and eventually discovered an issue on the UE4 forums** that prevents physics constraints from being a viable solution, either, although they seemed ideal. Next, I tried deleting the original party-goers on collision with each other, spawning two dummy actors connected by a physics constraint and rotated by a Timeline, and then swapping in the party-goers again but this led to a spawning bug I could not resolve. Oliver, one of our engineering interns, found a pure physics solution while helping me investigate this problem late Saturday night. It turned out that applying velocity on each party-goer at a slight angle off the vector towards each other allowed us to achieve a better effect and eliminated the need for timelines or object deletion.
The moral of this story is that physics can provide simple solutions, and should be considered instead of Timelines whenever the latter requires collision management or deleting existing objects. More on how this applies to cameras later!