My first recommendation is keeping two copies of any wiki pages you are using to present your non-linear design work. One is for you, and whatever creative madness you need for your design process. This one is hidden from the world, like a corrupt accountant's second set of books. The other is the one you present for feedback and follows many rules and conventions, some of which are project specific and some of which are mentioned here. Keeping two copies of your pages will allow you to edit and update your presentable version of the information you want to share without losing easy access to the personal reminders, references, and inspirations that helped shape your design process.
Here is a logical proof for the statements in the preceding paragraph:
A: A good designer puts more thought into their work than is immediately obvious.
B: Anyone who puts more thought into their work than is immediately obvious is a corrupt accountant.
C: A corrupt accountant keeps two sets of books (i.e. two copies of every page).
A+B+C: A good designer keeps two sets of books.