Behaviour trees are a powerful tool that allows designers and artists to visualize logic flow. It is easier for a non-technical person to learn and interact with a visual system that describes the states, than one where they must infer the states. The quick wins of behaviour trees over Blueprint include less rules to understand, clearer visual connections and flow, and nodes can be renamed to disambiguate them from other nodes (all of which help first-time users too).
The video above is part of a playlist showing how to implement behaviour trees in Unreal, and is recommended viewing for anyone who wants to have a practical understanding of the features tested in this experiment. Note that we implement very basic triggers with behaviour trees in this experiment, however, these triggers are simple examples and might be better off implemented at the C++ level. Ideally, the process used in this experiment would be applied to empowering camera artists through control of camera behaviours in cases where performance costs are considered less important than giving artists a greater degree of autonomy.
*The answer to the second question is yes, I will insist on spelling behaviour in the Canadian/UK fashion whenever possible. I'll keep Unreal's spelling for their tools.